Wellness Clinic
A diverse range of modalities by local, experienced & respected practitioners in a nurturing & safe space.
True health is not just the absence of disease but the presence of energy, stability and a rested system, allowing the body and mind to find a natural state of balance.
Forgiving Foods’ Wellness Clinic offers a diverse range of modalities by local, experienced and respected practitioners in a nurturing and safe space.
Honour your body, mind and soul by visiting one or more of our Practitioners. To book your appointment please contact us via phone, email or social media.
Naturopathy/Herbal Medicine
During the session diagnostic skills such as iris diagnosis and deep listening will be used to gain more understanding of your individual needs.
After the session more bio resonance testing will be done using a range of remote testing skills. Nicola also offers frequency healing using Rife technology, which uses the quantum field for remote healing or contact via tens pads, cold laser, or PEMF to create a resonant match between the presenting condition and the frequencies used to heal it. She also uses resonant remedies.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. Nikola Tesla.
Session Time: Allow an hour
Book your session.
For more information visit Stillnesswork

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCT)
Considered as one of the most gentle and respectful of body therapies, it allows your system to rest at the deepest point of healing, into the central nervous system and the embryonic forces that build and maintain the body. It can be used therapeutically as well as for the purpose of consciousness evolution, depending on the client’s needs. As a very still practise it draws upon the therapist’s ability to go deeply inward and hold space for healing to happen inherently. This work is wonderful for healing trauma of any kind, and particularly good post surgically. It is also effective for repatterining birth dynamics, calming the nervous system, and treating chronic conditions that don’t respond to conventional treatments.
Session Time: Allow 1 & 1/2 hrs for your first session then hourly.
Book your session.
For more information visit Stillnesswork

Body Work
Drift out of the clinic on a cloud!
A unique treatment for pain management and deep relaxation based on gentle movement, physiokey bioregulation device; a device which works on biofeedback interacting with the nervous system, triggering the release of healing peptides which assists the massage to integrate held energy back into the system. (Not recommended for those with a pace maker)
Myofascial release, acupoint stimulation and sedation, Craniosacral therapy and biodynamic massage. This is a very individual treatment co created with the client.
Session Time: 1.5hrs, 1hr Some Rebates available
Book your session.
For more information visit Stillnesswork

Acupuncture/Chinese Herbal Medicine
Acupuncture taps into pathways of energy in your body similar to the electricity and plumbing in your house.
Acupuncture has been part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for at least two thousand years, probably longer. It is so well established even here in Australia that all major health funds cover it, usually in their 'extras' package.
Contrary to popular belief, the needs are extremely fine (very different to other needles you may have experienced eg: when giving blood) and for many people, unnoticeable.
After a session of acupuncture you will normally feel very relaxed and refreshed.
Session Time: 1hr. Rebates available.
Book your session via Forgiving Foods or direct with Breathe Acupuncture.

Healing Touch
Healing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing energy therapy that uses gentle touch to assist in balancing your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. The Practitioner enables your body’s innate wisdom and ability to heal itself. Some of the benefits include reduced anxiety and stress, assistance with the management of grief and depression, accelerates wound healing, enhances recovery from surgery, manages the side effects of treatment and medications. Experience a deep state of relaxation.
Session Time: 1hr
Book your session.